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Add an Email Signature

How many emails do you receive that are just plain text with no signature? Short emails with no signature are usually a clear 'red flag' that the email is unsolicited. By adding a professional looking signature with a picture of a person gives the perception that the email is from a trustworthy source and is worth reading and replying to.

Here is how to create a great looking signature for free.

Create a Circular Picture of Yourself (optional)

  1. Visit Avatar Cropper
  2. Click 'Open file', and then upload a photo
  3. After configuring the crop radius, click 'Render/Save'
  4. Select the circle option, and then save it (the file will automatically download)
  5. Upload the image to Google Photos
  • Select the photo, then create and copy the share link
  • Paste the share link into Labnol
  • Generate and copy the Direct Image Link

Create an Email Signature

  1. Visit Woodpecker
  2. Select 'Choose Template'
  3. Follow the wizard to create your signature
  • The 'Photo URL' will be the 'direct link' you copied from Labnol
  1. Follow the steps, and then select 'Create Signature'
  2. On this screen, select 'Copy Email Signature'

  1. Paste this into an email within Instantly
  2. The image will not load when you send it because Woodpecker changes its address. To resolve this:
  • Click on the image
  • Click on the 'Replace icon'
  • Replace the existing URL with the direct link you copied earlier from Labnol
  1. Preview the email
  2. Send a test email to your own email address to confirm everything looks okay